Thursday, November 07, 2002


The problem with having bad skin is that people who work in the beauty industry (read: skincare sales people) like to approach you. I know cause 1) I have bad skin and 2) I've been approached by two such persons in as many days.

The first was on Wednesday. I had just ordered the nice 'Wan Tan Mee' that I'd just found in SS2 (stall 31) when I notice the girl at the table in front of me staring at me.

At first I thought I was just being egoistic. Why would she be staring at me? I wasn't wearing anything particularly extravagant nor am I such a head turner (boy! I wish I was!). So, I just ignored her thinking that she's probably looking over me and read my book and continued waiting for my food to arrive.

I was halfway into my meal when she came over. As it was raining, I couldn't hear what she was trying to tell me but she handed me a card. I'm assuming that she's suggesting that I go to her for a consultation. Since I've never had any luck in the skin improvement department, I politely told her 'No thanks!'. She insisted I keep her card.

I did. I'm using it as a bookmark for the book I was reading. :)

Then the next day (yesterday), while I was in Sonny San at One Utama, the salesgirl for Aesop approached me just as I was walking out of the store.

So, now, self esteem is at a slightly low phase(?).

YOUR PERFECT MATCH ... cosmo quiz result - I scored a 10

7 - 14 Your perfect match - PROFESSIONAL GUY
This guy is sophisticated and knows all about the finer things in life. He knows all the hippest restaurants and bars and knows how to woo you with his quick wit and charm. If you like a guy who can clinch a major business deal and has your wants and needs sussed, professional guy is your perfect match.

RSVP Online dating has hand-chosen some guys who just may be your perfect match.

Click here to find out more about
your RSVP perfect match - Nicho.

Isn't he cute? :)

Also ... courtesy of astroGirl

Destiny number: 3

You've got an awful lot to express, so your life will involve several creative projects, either because you chase a hobby or interest that turns into your passion, or because you are lucky enough to end up in a job where you can show off your creativity. Having a Three Fate Number could turn you into an author, artist, musician or entertainer. You may find you have to make a choice between money and security, and the freedom to be yourself. It won't always be easy, but a boring job that turns you off could turn out to be your biggest life lesson. Three Name Numbers of Fate Numbers will link up to you.


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