Sunday, September 08, 2002

Haven't been doing much but attending dance practise after dance practise after work so nothing interesting to talk about. Stayed up late for the past two nights watching the Sex and the City VCDs that I'd bought. I'm just completed the second season and hopefully will watch the third season when I get home later. Going to watch '3 soprano's + 1' later tonight ... complimentary tickets, courtesy of the organisers for the committees of the Sel Phil. :)

Anyway, here's a write up of the dance that I'm doing for Actor's Studio. If anyone of you are interested, do come and support and also, you'll be able to see this blogger live in the flesh and then you can tell me how badly I suck in the dance.

Michael Xavier Voon featuring Fresh Dancers



22 Sept only, 8:30 pm, The Actors Studio Box
MyDance Alliance and The Actors Studio present Michael Xavier Voon & Ensemble in "Seven Deadly Sins (according to Gandhi)". Be prepared to welcome all raw dancers with a sin-tillating and insightful look into the 7 Deadly Sins according to Gandhi. Featuring new and never-before-seen works of Michael on brave new movers, this should be a must-see on your 'never-2-b-missed' date. This is Michael's first full dance repertory in 6 years. The theme will play with traits Ghandi feel are most spiritually perilous versus beneficial to humanity : * Wealth without Work * Pleasure without Conscience * Science without Humanity* Knowledge without Character * Politics without Principle * Worship without Sacrifice * Commerce without Morality..........


The idea for the theme came about from a class assignment Michael gave to his digital design students in college. Through the years, the topic of the 7 Cardinal Sins evolved to include the 7 Contrary Virtues (contrary to the Deadly Sins), Seven Heavenly Virtues, Seven Corporal Works of Mercy and lastly, the 7 Deadly Sins according to Gandhi:
* Wealth without Work
* Pleasure without Conscience
* Science without Humanity
* Knowledge without Character
* Politics without Principle
* Worship without Sacrifice
* Commerce without Morality

Working with Seven Deadly Sins at Actors Studio Box allows 7 pieces of dances to revolve around both positive and negative issues; thus, 14 possibilities in all. While some of the topics may be dark in nature, most of the other pieces are very much on the lighter side - with some 'tongue-in-cheek' and naughty humour thrown in.

Among the genres of styles reflected in the dance works include from ethnic to contemporary, from modern to jazz, and from soft rock to improvisation. Amongst the music artists used are Cliff Richard (pop ballad), William Ackerman (new age), John Cage (modern), Asiabeat (ethnic jazz fusion), The Proclaimers (pop rock), Tony O'Connor (world music), Handel (classical) and Kate Bush (pop cult),

The show will introduce mostly raw performers to give them an opportunity to dance. All featured dancers are fresh talents whose contributions come from their pure passion for movement. Michael also hopes to present varied dance forms that audiences can be re-exposed to - emphasising on simplicity of structure and audience accessibility.

Along with the performance, a few talented CENFAD students will display their digital art versions of the Seven Sins or Seven Virtues on the foyer.

Anitha Abdul Hamid, Cal lista Chuah (me!), Joan Chan, Dennis Leong, Margaret Wong, Nicole Ann Thomas, Steffi Lund, Sueann Tilaka, Sara Thong, Melissa Wong & Michael Xavier Voon.


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