Friday, August 30, 2002

I have been such an absolute slacker. Skipped squash training on Tuesday, didn't go for dance practise when my partner called for a practise session, skipped the Sept dance show's practise, didn't finish much at work today. Did manage to get the thing that was driving me nuts last night to work this morning though, so I did accomplish something. What else did I slack off? Hmmm ... my adequacy article which I've skipped for months and months. My blog.

Well, about the blog, there really isn't much to blog about when all you do it oh so routine. Especially when it's mostly work, work, work. Can't really just post up "Worked!" and be done can I? Rather just skip the whole posting if it was just that. Plus, I might pity myself should I read those later in life ... of how boring I was (I hope it's gonna be an 'I was' instead of a 'I still am') *fingers crossed*

Oh yes, finally talked to Brian over the phone. Brian's a guy I first chatted with back in 96, if I'm not mistaken. We're been emailing each other occasionally (occasionally cause it sometimes takes me weeks or even months before I actually replies his emails) over the past few years and he called on Monday. He sounds like a nice person. Well, even know we've 'known' each other for such a long time. I must say I still have no idea what sort of person he is. I guess, emails are just not effective enough in trying to get to know a person. Face-to-face meets are still more effective. My opinion anyways. I mean, I think my virtual persona is a tinge different from my real life's. Can't help it, the idea of the other party living far far away with an extreme chance that the two will ever meet kinda makes it somewhat easier to blurt out things that you might not have had you met them in real life. Is it just me? Maybe but that's me. *shrugs*


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