Tuesday, July 01, 2003

groupie me

Over the weekend, I received confirmation for membership to two projects.

1) The nervousness project
After much participation in the forums, and of course, of the exchanges as well, I was finally nominated and seconded two months after my first exchange - The Super Postcard Swap II. I think the reason was because my exchangees haven't received my cards (my ATCs not the postcards). Takes about 2 weeks to a month for people in the US or New Zealand to receive them, it seems. So, I got recommended after they got my stuff. :) Thanks guys!

Soon as I got my codes, I signed up for two postcard exchanges. :) My batch of postcards are almost ready for mailing. Just need to write some blurb or message on them before I send them out. They've been stamped an addressed.

2) The Project Petaling Street beta testing
I applied to be a beta tester for Project Petaling Street. Although I don't really have any idea what I was signing up for when I applied, I thought I might lend a hand anyway. It sounded like we are suppose to test out the new funtionalities for the community blog or blog-tal, as they would call it, and I thought, yeah, I could probably help out. So I signed-up.

According to the email I received, they say they've selected 26 out of 117 possible applicants. Guess I should be honoured that they selected me huh? Some of the other successfull applicants seems to know each other or at least have been frequenting each other's blog. I think I only recognise two blogs from the list. Anyway, that would mean I'll have more blog to lurk in.

Got the email with the instructions as well. Am currently awaiting confirmation of registration. After that, will get right onto testing. ;)


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