friday five - summer holiday
1. How are you planning to spend the summer [winter]? Well, we only have one season throughout the year - the rain or shine season so, things will be as usual.
2. What was your first summer job? Summer job? I'll take this to be between semesters break instead. The first one would be as a sales girl at Evita Peroni. It's a shop selling hair accessories. We played with hair accessories and people's hair all day long. I quite sucked as a sales person. Tried to butter up to a customer but I felt kinda sick after that. Never did that again. Just recommended them what's appropriate and that's it. I don't like pushing for a sale. Either they want it or they don't. It's their choice.
3. If you could go anywhere this summer [winter], where would you go? I'd go back to London. Spend more time walking around instead of just going into shop after shop after shop during my trip there last December. I'd probably visit some of the galleries and the museums. Didn't go in any of them.
4. What was your worst vacation ever? Hmmm ... can't think on one at the moment.
5. What was your best vacation ever? My Gold Coast trip after my final year university exams. A bunch of us went up for a few days. Visited the usual suspects - Movie World, Dream World, Sea World. I loved the sand in Surfers Paradise. So white and fine. And the atmosphere, so relaxed. It was towards the end of schoolies week so there weren't that many students left, not overly noisy. Oh! I remember a brilliant craft market the had on the weekend. I don't think its a regular market cause I was on the telly just after I went back to the room from roaming the market. It was a fun trip!