Tuesday, March 05, 2002

hey, check this out. my picture's being used as a background of one of my uni's tour page. Ain't it cool? :)
i've got free banner free web hosting at empress.digitalrice.com

... wait! wait! wait! ... before you start clicking on to the new site, i have to tell you that there is absolutely nothing there as yet. i'm thinking of maybe using greymatter or MT for this site. are there any greymatter or MT users reading this? if so, what do you recommend?

besides that, i'm thinking that i should really come up with a theme for a design before publishing that site. i've been saying that i need to design a look for this blog forever but i've never gotten to it. so, before the new site comes, i really want to have a design up. problem is, i don't have much idea on what i want. sugesstions please?

basically this blog is a call for recommendation and suggestions ... so start blogging back! i need feedback.
how cool is this!

Which Angelina Are You?

not sure how cool this winona result is as i haven't seen the movie. the description sound okay i suppose. not as cool as the angelina result! ... I AM LARA CROFT! HEAR ME ROAR!!!

Which Winona Are You?


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