Thursday, November 07, 2002


The problem with having bad skin is that people who work in the beauty industry (read: skincare sales people) like to approach you. I know cause 1) I have bad skin and 2) I've been approached by two such persons in as many days.

The first was on Wednesday. I had just ordered the nice 'Wan Tan Mee' that I'd just found in SS2 (stall 31) when I notice the girl at the table in front of me staring at me.

At first I thought I was just being egoistic. Why would she be staring at me? I wasn't wearing anything particularly extravagant nor am I such a head turner (boy! I wish I was!). So, I just ignored her thinking that she's probably looking over me and read my book and continued waiting for my food to arrive.

I was halfway into my meal when she came over. As it was raining, I couldn't hear what she was trying to tell me but she handed me a card. I'm assuming that she's suggesting that I go to her for a consultation. Since I've never had any luck in the skin improvement department, I politely told her 'No thanks!'. She insisted I keep her card.

I did. I'm using it as a bookmark for the book I was reading. :)

Then the next day (yesterday), while I was in Sonny San at One Utama, the salesgirl for Aesop approached me just as I was walking out of the store.

So, now, self esteem is at a slightly low phase(?).

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