My clean traffic record's got a smudge now. Got my first ticket last night trying to scrimp on parking. Now I have a $30 ticket (considerably lower than what i thought it might be) for illegal parking courtesy of the city council. Darn it! And I was so proud of almost finishing my probation period without a ticket. Probation ends in march. That's only two months away. Hmmm ... come to think of it, I don't know where the city council office is. How am I gonna pay the ticket?
The mass birthday happened last night. Great night although much more subdued compared to the one we had for Alex. Had dinner at Chillies (turning out to be a regular haunt for the musicals group) and again karaoke afters. Rach took some pictures of the outing and it's up in her blog. I look like a spaz in that picture. Didn't know it was gonna turn out as a close-up! Was never good with close-ups. Actually never look good with non-close-ups either. I don't like being in photos. I always turn up looking fat and ugly.
Yesterday seems to be a night of many activities. The ex-uni clique restarting the thursday tennis session, the musicals clique's mass birthday, Sze Yoong's birthday (a girl from the dance studio) and Stef asked me to play tennis with her. It's like when it rains it pours ... but in a good way. I like having activities. Makes me feel like I have lots and lots of friends.
After the mass birthday, I mossied on to Sze Yoong's party at the Mutiara Rouge. If it hadn't been for her friends, the Rouge would have been almost empty. A far cry from the couple of times that I've been there. Guess the novelty's over and the crowds gone. Didn't do much salsaing. My dance partner couldn't make it plus I forgot most of my salsa moves so I couldn't teach the guys what to do. Should have gone with Rach, Alex and Grace aka Puff Mummy to where ever they were going and skipped this.
Just got a call from Azfa with an offer to go to Club Med for 3 days 2 nights for the bargain price of $420. Wow! I'd love to go. But let's not be rash. Let's think about it for a few days. Told her I'll call her back in a few at most next week with my answer. There was a plan for a family getaway to Thailand for April but that was said last year. Not sure if it's still gonna happen.
Hurrah! Holidays! I love holidays! Especially holidays by the beach. Need to get a new bikini. Woo hoo!
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