Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Test before you assume

4. Question authority.

... One of the oldest living renegades, Siddhartha Gautama (also known as the Buddha) once said, “Do not believe anything that you’ve been told, unless it agrees with your own common sense.” The same advice applies 2,000 years later. Listen to yourself first, before you listen to the experts. Test before you assume.
Jonathan Mead's article in Zen Habits lists this as one of the traits of the Free Man.

The liong-liong that charbo and I went to calls this subborness. In fact, that's about the only thing she kept repeating, I have to stop being so stubborn and listen and follow what people says.

She mentioned that I would attempt something despite other's advise against it; even though there is a high possibility of failure and that I KNOW that it would fail. Just so that I prove it to myself that it indeed does not work!

I don't see a problem with that.

If you don't touch a boiling kettle, how do you know for a fact that it would burn?

Monday, June 08, 2009

How do you make additional moolah without having a second job?

The cost of the kitchen is just escalating. Mom says that I shouldn't keep complaining that CuzS is expensive but what do you do when it's fact?

At this rate, I'm just 'yes-ing' to everything that I originally wanted anyway and be damned the cost cause I want to get it over with. My tiny (well, maybe not so tiny) kitchen is about to cost as much as my brother's which is probably 1.5 times bigger than mine.

*sigh* So, now, how do I pay for it? Is it possible to earn anything this way? Maybe not to the extreme of everything but I know I have lots of things that are still usable but I no longer use.

If these were my stuff, would you buy them for maybe RM5/RM10 a piece? Pick-up only?


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